
svētdiena, 2020. gada 18. oktobris

Baltu Krivules lēmums

Uzmanību! ¹2020/10/17 Rīgā (attālinātā režīmā) pieņemts šī gada Baltu Krivules lēmums, piedaloties Latvijas Dievturu sadraudzes, Senovės baltų religinė bendrija Romuva un Свайкста pārstāvjiem. Lēmums ir saistošs un stājas spēkā ar tā pieņemšanas brīdi.

The Resolution of the Baltu Krivule
Riga, ¹2020/10/17

We, representatives of religious unions – Latvijas Dievturu sadraudze, Senovės baltų religinė bendrija Romuva, and Svajksta –, gathered at joint Krivule, declare that we are continuers of the common unitary ancient Baltic religion inherited from ancestors. In order to strenghten the unity of those who live in Latvia, Lithuania, and other Baltic lands, and of those who belong to the Baltic cultural sphere, and in order to foster and bequeath traditions of the ancient Baltic religion to the next generations, we, gathered at the joint Krivule, determined:
1) To venerate ancestors in all Baltic celebration days, notably on November 2nd as the joint Baltic Ancestors' Remembrance Day.
2) Veļi is an unique term in the Baltic culture, that bears the common memory of ancestors present in and shaping the identity of each of the living. The welcoming of ancestral spirits is a ritual to maintain, transfer, and revive this bond.
3) In order to strenghten the sense of belonging of ones own and ones relatives to the people and the common Baltic culture, we urge to celebrate this tradition in both family and events of national importance.

Inija Trinkūnienė, krīve
Andrejs Broks, dižvadonis
Aleś Mikus, vadītājs

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